Show and Tell Friday

Can I show you my fall garden? Come out back... My cabbage got huge and then I cut off some of the bottom leaves for cabbage rolls. It came back nicely. Everything else is doing well. I even cut some of my apple mint and dried it to make tea. I figure that might make a nice gift in my Christmas baskets to friends. I adore these green miniature roses. The funny thing is that as a teenager I swore I would never have a garden. Being the chief weed puller puts a damper on future visions of gardens. This one is manageable.


Wow...everything looks so perfect! I tried a garden, I go to the garden section at the grocery store! Great job!!
Anonymous said…
Looks like Peter Rabbit would love your garden, so nice and neat.
Anonymous said…
WOW - you still have stuff growing in your garden? Amazing!!! I love the cabbages -they actually look ornamental.
Wanita said…
Your garden looks so beautiful, especially to someone who lives in Minnesota where the gardening season is pretty much over for the year.

I had to laugh when I read that as a teenager, you said you'd never have a garden. I said that when I was young, too. We had a huge garden when I was growing up, and it seemed like way too much work. Now, I love gardening and wish I had more than just a small city lot on which to garden.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Pamela said…
I love your garden! Your cabbages look like a work of art.
Frazzled Mom said…
Dianne - I love Peter Rabbit! One day I'll show pictures of my collectibles. I even did my first son's nursery in Peter Rabbit. One of my favorite books of all time.
Frazzled Mom said…
Ivory Spring - They are ornamental but edible and quite delicious! In Texas we have a second growing season.
Your garden is so pretty. I'd probably just kill everything if I tried it :)
I love your garden! I've such a brown thumb, I dare not even attempt to put one in. lol
Linda C said…
Wow! Beautiful garden! We are expecting cold weather and snow showers here today in upper Mid=West, so luscious green leaves are a sight for sore eyes:)
Linda C
nancy said…
It does look perfect!
Have to say "Wow" too! Looks perfect! I was just proud of myself for planting a pitiful pot of chives, a few radishes and lettuce this year. If I spend time staring at your pictures will your green thumb rub off on me?
Wow...growing like that in November! Our garden is all put to bed for the long winter ahead. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
What a lovely little garden. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful. I wish I could garden like that. I am sorry you are so frazzled. :-(
Lady Katherine said…
You have been busy, its just so lovely to see!
Susie Homemaker said…
YUM! I love fresh greens...great garden! Thanks for sharing with us!

Warm Wishes,
Pink Slippers said…
Your garden looks great! And I love what you wrote on your profile. Sounds kinda like my life. Thanks.
Kelli said…
So pretty! I love the cabbages!
Anonymous said…
Your Fall garden looks wonderful. I killed my garden this year, when I got hurt and forgot to ask the kids to water it while I was out of commission. Got a few things, but nothing pretty like this. I'm looking at bare garden beds now and thinking of what they will be in a few months. Yeah. I miss being able to check on the progress of my plants. It helps me keep sane. Thanks for posting the pics!

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