Show and Tell Friday

Can I show you my fall garden? Come out back... My cabbage got huge and then I cut off some of the bottom leaves for cabbage rolls. It came back nicely. Everything else is doing well. I even cut some of my apple mint and dried it to make tea. I figure that might make a nice gift in my Christmas baskets to friends. I adore these green miniature roses. The funny thing is that as a teenager I swore I would never have a garden. Being the chief weed puller puts a damper on future visions of gardens. This one is manageable.

I had to laugh when I read that as a teenager, you said you'd never have a garden. I said that when I was young, too. We had a huge garden when I was growing up, and it seemed like way too much work. Now, I love gardening and wish I had more than just a small city lot on which to garden.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Linda C
Warm Wishes,