The Best Thing I Never Knew I Wanted - Homeschooling
Well, my homeschooling days are officially over. My youngest will do dual credit at our local community college for his senior year. My friend has graduated from nursing school, so she will take over educating her 3rd grader and 11th grader. I am trying to adjust to all this change. It is exciting to think of possibilities and at the same time I am nostalgic for the days of watching the boys blossom into the fine young men they are today. What a ride! God gave me a gift. Homeschooling my children was the best thing I never knew I wanted. I am an accidental homeschooler. I never planned to homeschool. It just happened. I am a lazy homeschooler. I never sat down and planned out a whole year of lessons. I never reveled in homeschooling conventions, curriculum choices or talked different homeschooling methods with other moms. I always felt a bit on the outside of homeschooling. That's ok. God called me to do this and I did the best I could. He filled in the gaps. My children are well-rounded, hilarious and most importantly smarter than I ever will be. They are not socially inept. They didn't miss out on anything. They are grateful for being homeschooled (although some days not so much). They are amazing.
If God is calling you to homeschooling, jump in and hang on for the craziest ride ever. I learned so much about myself. How to apologize to my kids. How what aggravates me in my kids is just the thing I don't like in myself. How to let learning happen on its own. To sit back and enjoy watching my kids be who they were meant to be. To serve others with them. To not plan too much so that you are free to do spur of the moment things. To listen to God's leading even if it is out of your comfort zone. Most importantly, that God will equip you for the task He called you to. He doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Absolutely. Living proof right here.
I don't like change. I like God because He doesn't change. I don't know what my next assignment is. I know it will be a good one. He doesn't disappoint me. I'll continue to work at the oil company a few days a week. It's a great job and it leaves me time to pursue some things I have been wanting to do...entertain, cook for my family, house projects that have been piling up, finishing that book I started...mostly rest. That's what I keep hearing. "Just rest.". If you know me, that's a challenge in and of itself!