Spring Garden 2015

Wow! We have had a great spring so far. We have had an abnormal amount of rain this year and the plants are loving it. I have rarely had to turn on our drip irrigation system.

I found this great mason bee hive on Amazon. While we have lots of logs in our yard, this will encourage more bees to make their home near our garden and encourage pollination. It feels weird to have to go outside with a Q-Tip and pollinate the plants.

Our Forest Floor Landscaping is beautiful after another load. After Snugglebunny put in the drip irrigation system and dug through the original layer of newspaper and mulch, we had problems with weeds. We laid another thick layer of newspaper and called for another load of chopped up trees from our local tree trimmer. While we were happy to finally get a load, we weren't home when he dumped and he put it directly in front of the garage where I park my car. He also put 200 times more than we wanted. Okay, not 200 times, but a LOT more than we wanted. We also had a massive amount of huge oak logs. I hired one of my students and my youngest son and we all worked like dogs for about 2 weeks to get it moved to the backyard. It is thick in our backyard. Thick like chunky peanut butter. It is settling in nicely. We won't need another load for a long, long time. Isn't it gorgeous!

Another load of chopped up trees to add to our Forest Floor Landscaping.
The delivery guy went a little nuts.
Looking Awesome!
We tried artichokes this year which did very nicely! The trick is to plant them in the winter, let them grow all winter and they will make some delicious artichokes come spring. Man they were awesome! They were on the smallish side but we got about 10 out of 2 plants. I understand that the older the plants are, the more they produce. They won't survive our hot summer, so I yanked them. Besides they are huge plants and took up half our box.
Artichoke plants are huge!

Our first year of artichokes was successful!

Green Beans are going crazy!

baby watermelon

melon is almost ready for picking!

hidden cucumber

striped eggplant


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