Hill Country - Take Two (and a neat trick freezing bacon)

Me and My Snugglebunny at Gail's in Canyon Lake
Awww... it was so much fun to put everything up for the wedding. It all went off without a hitch. Now, we have to take it all down. Wait, no... you don't want to take it down? Sorry friend, everything has to come back to my undecorated house so I can decorate it again. There is fall entertaining to be done soon. So, we have to shop and replace everything with new stuff? Well, we did. I think it came out great!

And one little service announcement before we leave... Gail showed me how to freeze bacon with parchment paper. This allows you to take out just the amount you need to cook. Works wonderfully!

Enjoy the pictures!

The copycat of the wedding mantle arrangement
The original wedding mantle arrangement
Loved the cross and the twig wreath so much, they are staying!

closeup of the left side of the mantle

closeup of the right side of the mantle

the long window copycat of the wedding arrangement


the original wedding window arrangement



Anonymous said…
Frozen bacon in parchment paper. Now there's one for the books! ⋛⋋⋌⋚

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