Scientific Classifications of Homeschool Moms
After an exhaustive 20-year-study of the genus "homeschoolus motherus", scientist have been able to classify them into several main species. Note there are several sub-species, but this article does not cover those. There are some traits common to species which made the classification difficult. Cross-breeding has also yielded many mothers that exhibit traits from several species.
Healthfoodus - This mother will not allow anything artificial to touch the bottom of her shopping cart. She knows what essential oil to put on your boo boo. She owns sensible shoes and wears them to even the most dressy events. She has a huge garden in her backyard and is currently fighting the homeowner's association to allow chickens. She also knows the difference between a chicken and a rooster.
Politicus Activus - This mother has no less than ten pictures of her with various politicians which she proudly displays along with pictures of her immediate family. Her children have memorized the Bill of Rights from age 4. She is a pistol packing momma and a date with her husband might include skeet shooting or a trip to the gun range. Her FaceBook profile picture is the American flag.
Curriculum Junkus - This mother knows every curriculum out there because she has purchased it at one time or another. She has a large collection of demo DVDs. She uses the homeschool curriculum fair vendor map to schedule out a plan to hit every booth. She brings a backpack for all the flyers and it includes her lunch which she eats while she walks from the 11:15 vendor to the 11:30 vendor.
Smartus as a Whipus - This mother has a master's degree in something you have never heard of. She is currently trying to be a contestant on Jeopardy and plays various word games with her friends online. She has usually travelled extensively. These mothers usually run in packs but are quite friendly.
Science Nutus - This mother has no less than three microscopes in various locations throughout her home. Any dead insect eye, wing or leg must be viewed through said microscopes. She has a sheep heart and cow eye in her freezer for future dissection projects. Test tubes can be found amongst her dishes. She has a family membership to the local science museum. Any moldy food in the refrigerator must be viewed by all family members and any unsuspecting visitor.
Hot Homeschool Womanus - This mother wears full makeup to workout at her local gym. She will never be seen in "mom jeans" and doesn't own a pair of comfortable shoes. She will cancel coffee with you in a heartbeat if her salon calls to tell her they can fit in her eyebrow waxing. Her nail are always perfect. She goes on a cruise with her husband regularly.
Note: I'm a homeschool mom too. If we can't laugh at ourselves, we should laugh at each other. Smile.
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Maybe that's why I don't homeschool anymore...
I just didn't "fit in"! :) :) :)
you? ;) This was a fun post!!
I'm Bookus Collectus and not far behind that I qualify for Curriculum Junkus
As for me, I probably slot quite nicely into "Bookus Collectus". I will proudly hold this classification and might even display it on my wall...if I can find an empty space. ;)