Of beginnings

Buttercrunch Lettuce - so very yummy!
We are in the beginning planting stages for our Spring garden. The seeds are ordered. I purchased a few plants from Nelson Water Garden and planted those including a nice variety of lettuce and some spinach. I added a few more brocolli plants as my supply was wiped out by the creature of the night (still yet identified). We made some repairs to our aging fence and noted that the midnight raids on our garden have stopped. That points to a rabbit. Seeing as our next-door neighbor spotted a rabbit in her backyard, that is a good indication. Maybe my Spring garden has a chance!

this guy is ready to be harvested
We have a few nice fall cabbages that need harvesting.

Little Finger carrots are perfect for a
Square Foot Garden 6" soil depth. No peeling needed.

How I have missed fresh basil

Strawberry plants in bloom

A nice surprise. Beautiful purple rosemary flowers.

Garden 4 - planted with a few Spring greens

Swiss Chard was not appetizing to our
"creature of the night" so we got to
enjoy it all winter long. Delicious as a substitute for
lettuce on sandwiches or hamburgers.
Aren't new beginnings wonderful. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Rejoice in that today my friend!


Anonymous said…
Look at you...planting your spring garden. Here we are in Little Rock with ice on the ground! ;)
Frazzled Mom said…
Snow would be a nice change! I'll even take a bit of ice. I love weather drama!
Unknown said…
What a beautiful garden:) Just found you from homeschool chicks! Nice to meet you -

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