My dear son told me a few months back that he would like to attend a dance before he graduated. It surprised me because I didn't think he cared about such things. We looked around at some local homeschool dances and were disappointed with various aspects of them. So, what did this mom do? Why, she decided to throw her own formal for our local homeschool group. Yes, I have rocks for brains. We are in the midst of the planning and I have to keep focus on why we are doing this so I don't run screaming for the hills. It is a LOT of work and we need a lot of help.
Our theme is "Paris Under the Stars". Because we have a tiny decorating budget, I had to get creative. We will need to borrow or build most of the decorations. I am going to try and build the Eiffel Tower. I can't find any decent instructions on how to build a 14 foot Eiffel Tower online, so I'm going to wing it. It involves velcro strips, foam core board and begging for the poster printer access at my husband's engineering firm. I'm excited about the challenge and my head is spinning with plans. I have no earthly idea what I'm going to do with the tower once the formal is over. Any takers?
My other ideas are to just use a borrowed park bench with a bunch of borrowed fake trees covered in white lights for the "park". Another area will be a flower market complete with pails of fake flowers. The last area will be a French cafe. All with borrowed or made items. Will we pull this off? Time will tell.

My other ideas are to just use a borrowed park bench with a bunch of borrowed fake trees covered in white lights for the "park". Another area will be a flower market complete with pails of fake flowers. The last area will be a French cafe. All with borrowed or made items. Will we pull this off? Time will tell.