A Little Spring Tablescape

I'm enjoying watching all the birds in our neighborhood hunt for the most perfect weed for their nests. The fledglings are everywhere. I am especially enamoured with a cute little Blue Jay fledgling. He tries to eats everything while he learns  what is edible. It is adorable. This afternoon, the little girl I watch in the afternoon got to watch three baby blue jays as they took advantage of my birdbath. She was thrilled.

This weekend I came across a beautiful metal candelabra at HomeGoods. It was begging for some embellishment. I stuffed the open cavities with some sheet moss. I added some cute felted wool mushrooms to the bottom and hollowed out a spot in the middle of the candelabra for a miniature nest complete with eggs and feathers. A nod to all our feathered friends in the yard. I'm not sure if it will end up with candles or not. I like it without right now.
metal candelabra with a few tweaks

birds nest hidden on the candelabra

Felted wool mushrooms
(click the link above for a tutorial)
Sunday, my sweet friend Sarah and I went on the hunt at a nearby antique mall. I came across this scale and I couldn't pass it up. It ended up on my dining table. It needed this artichoke and some twine. Why? I don't know but I think it looks just right!
antique scale - the twine and artichoke seemed
a good fit. Note the felted mushroom in a jar.


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