Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons can be applied to website purchases! Yipee!
Yes they can! A call to my friendly Bed, Bath & Beyond operator gave me some valuable information I wanted to pass on. If you order something from the Bed, Bath & Beyond website, print out your Internet receipt, bring it along with the credit card you used and the coupons you want to use to any BBB store. They will immediately give you credit back on your credit card! Fabulous! According to the company representative, you don't even have to wait until the item comes in. I did it, and it worked! Of course, you should always call your local store and speak with a manager to confirm they will do this before you make the trip over there. You can also return any ordered items you don't want/like to the physical stores. Colors just don't translate well over the Internet. An easy return policy makes it much less of a hassle to take a chance on an online order. Why they don't publicize this on their website, I'll never know. They are losing out on major website business. Maybe they will read this and get a clue! BTW friends - as of this writing, BBB's policy is that they will accept coupons that are expired. Don't throw those suckers out! I clip them and save them in my coupon folder every time I see one. Because you can only use one per item, you can go through them quickly if you are buying towels or napkins. This frugal message brought to you by Frazzled Mom. :)