Alrighty all of you skeptics out there, hear me out before you pass judgment. Yours truly is NOT made of money. A long time ago in a land far, far away (nine+ years ago), I used to work for an oil company. A very generous attorney gave me a gift certificate to a large department store. I combined it with some other money I received for Christmas and a little savings and purchased my first Coach purse. Believe me, it hurt to spend that much money on a purse. It was a practical black leather purse that I could use every day. I am not one of those girls who likes a new purse every season, so I was very happy with my purchase. Then about four years later, the zipper got caught in the liner and ripped the liner. I mailed it off for repairs. (I should mention here that Coach does free repairs to its purses. There is a $20 mailing fee) It was beyond repair, but they gave me a huge credit for a new purse. I decided on a
larger one (another practical black leather purse without a liner) added a little money to it, and ordered it. I have enjoyed that purse immensely until a few months ago the zipper broke. Recently I was in the Coach store and they were happy to send it in for me, no charge, for repairs. Considering that my initial purchase was nine years ago, and I spent a small additional amount about five years ago I figure I am waaaaay ahead. If I had purchased a cheaper purse nine years ago and the liner ripped, I'd have been out a purse. I would have had to replace it numerous times since then. Hands down, I think this is one of the best investments I've made. You need a purse, you might as well get a good one. My initial investment has paid off big time and I get to carry a purse with a label! If you are considering this purchase, just stop thinking about it and do it!