Home Design Software
I'm just a tiny bit obsessed with lighting right now. We had some pretty horrid builder grade lighting fixtures in our house. I had some ideas for changing out our kitchen lighting, but wasn't really sure how it would look. I had purchased the Better Homes and Gardens software called "Home Designer" a while back and have fooled with it from from to time. It really isn't hard to use, but some things are a little tricky and as I don't use it on a daily basis, I usually forget how to do particular things and have to look it up in the "Help" file over and over. Or maybe I'm just a dumb, dumb head. Either way, it still isn't hard to use and I like it. They have come up with 2 upgrades since I first purchased it, so maybe those buggy things are gone now.

I had fun with it. I put a knife block just where I have mine next to the stove. I even put a blender and a cookbook. Not that I need a cookbook to use my blender. It's just so fun. You can "walk" around the room in 3D. Look at it from all angles. Take cool pictures from all angles to send obsessively to your husband at work to bug him.
The only complaint I have is that the software company sends you some very cool extra things to put in your room. Like blenders and cookbooks. But the files are huge and take up mega space on your computer. But they are so fun! After all, what fun is making your kitchen if you can't put your blender on the island.
Here is what the lighting looks like that I designed. The software has a cool option to take a picture of a particular angle and save it. Oh... I'm showing my nerdy side now. Sexy ain't it! (My nerdy side and the room)

I had fun with it. I put a knife block just where I have mine next to the stove. I even put a blender and a cookbook. Not that I need a cookbook to use my blender. It's just so fun. You can "walk" around the room in 3D. Look at it from all angles. Take cool pictures from all angles to send obsessively to your husband at work to bug him.
The only complaint I have is that the software company sends you some very cool extra things to put in your room. Like blenders and cookbooks. But the files are huge and take up mega space on your computer. But they are so fun! After all, what fun is making your kitchen if you can't put your blender on the island.