Why I gained 3 pounds in 1 weekend in Arkansas!

Reason No. 1 I gained weight: On our way, we stopped in Hope, Arkansas at a little place called "Big Jake's Bar-B-Q". Wow was it good! I am dreaming about their brisket right now.
Reason No. 2 I gained weight: Our friend is an excellent cook. We must have been practice for a future Bed and Breakfast because we got the hugest breakfast buffets ever seen.
Breakfast No. 2 wasn't pictured because I cooked it. I just made a quick cornbread. Our friends supplemented it with fresh hot doughnuts and kolaches (much to the delight of my boys).
Breakfast No. 3: Frittata*, biscuits and leftovers from the previous day's breakfast.
Reason No. 3 I gained weight: We ate out one night at a place called Genghis Grill. It was so fun to pick your meat, veggies and starch and watch it cooked.
Reason No. 4 I gained weight: The delicious dinners made at home. Yummy! Did I mention the lemon cake she served? I think I ate the majority of that cake! She knows me well! She even sent some home with me. Guess what I had for supper last night. Yup!
Did I mention I fell in love this weekend? Yes I did. And my husband doesn't mind. He fell in love too. This is what we fell in love with. Aren't you in love too?
We did a lot of walking and hiking on this trip. Despite that fact, the scale still snickered when I stepped on it.
We thoroughly enjoyed a day in Hot Springs. My boys had never been so they delighted in the fact that scalding hot water came up out of the earth naturally. We took a tour of an old bathhouse being used by the Visitor Center. Check out my "artsy" photos. 
