Patio Furniture on the Cheap

This furniture is easy to find and is usually very inexpensive. I see white wicker furniture at garage sales all the time. Also check flea markets and Freecycle. None of my pieces are actually a matching set. It is amazing that a little paint can camouflage that nicely.
I purchased a new wire brush for $1.00 at my local discount store. This is the kind you use for scraping the grill. I put all the furniture outside in the grass and scraped the white wicker furniture down to get off all the loose white paint. 

I coated each piece with a light first coat. It is important not to be too heavy handed here or you will end up with drips and not have good definition between the wicker weaving. A light second coat followed after the first had dried in about an hour. I flipped each piece over to get the bottom. I let them dry and my job was complete.
I really liked the Krylon Indoor/Outdoor Gloss in Leather Brown. It was the perfect color for my patio. Black would also be very beautiful. I have had to touch up in a few places on the furniture after a year. But a quick once over with the wire brush and a few squirts of paint did it. I found some pillows on sale last year at our local Garden Ridge store. I spent $34.00 total on the entire set including paint but not including pillows. Now we have an inexpensive and comfortable place to entertain or relax.