My original post "
Making Guests Feel Special" needs an addition. After staying with our dear friends in Arkansas this weekend, my friend reminded me about another thing that can be done for guests.
The "long drive home" package. I sometimes overlook this, but I think it is super special if you do it. Our friends sent us home with coffee in a "to go" container, grapes, strawberries, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, lemon cake, cheese puffs, chocolate candy and cashews. It was a delight to indulge in a little more of the weekend yummies as we drove home.
It is the crowning touch to a weekend for those guests that have a drive back home. You can put in several beverages (bottled water is best) and a few ziplock bags of chips, nuts, cookies and fruit. I also put in a ziplock bag with damp paper towels so that sticky fingers and hands can be taken care of easily without stopping.