Clean up your mess

One of my pet peeves are grownups that leave a fast-food restaurant table in a mess. Why do totally capable, uninjuired, adults leave a fast-food restaurant without picking up behind themselves? There isn't a good excuse. The people that work at fast-food restaurants are tired just like you. They don't want to have to clean up your sloppy mess. Take a second and clean up your hamburger wrappers and wadded up napkins and dump it in the nearest trash can dude. Then take a CLEAN napkin and wipe up the table. It will only take a second and will make a big difference for the people that come after to you to that table. Teach your kids to do the same thing puhhhhleeze. This shows respect for others.
See... I was going somewhere with that. Roundabout, I know, but we all got there safely and fully clothed.