It's Window Washing Time!

All the blinds got put into the bathtub and got soaked in warm water and a mild soap solution to loosen the dust and grime. They'll sit there for a few hours.
In the meantime, I recruited my crew to help out (such a handsome crew too). We mixed a 2 gallon bucket of warm water and 1 tsp. of rubbing alcohol, a capful of ammonia and 5 drops of dish detergent. I got this handy dandy recipe from this month's "All You" magazine. The recipe calls for ammonia or dish detergent but I used both. They took a
sponge and went to work also getting the frame and window sill. A coffee filter also is a great lint free cloth to clean with. They did a great job. I'm glad its done for another year. No comments about child labor please ;) You missed a spot.
