I just love the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. No, I am not a country music fan. No, I don't like farming or livestock in any way, shape or form. There is just something about going to the HLS&R. I really can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's getting to dust off your cowboy boots and strut around in them for an evening. Maybe its riding the bus with other friendly, excited Houstonians on the way to their show jabbering about their day or joking with their friends. Maybe its betting with your friends and family who will win the wagon races and cheering on your wagon! Maybe its watching kids in the Calf Scramble. Maybe its cheering for the hard luck cowboy who got trampled by a bucking bronco. Maybe its the mouthwatering Bar-b-que. Maybe its looking at rows and rows of cow butts and admiring them although you have no idea what you are looking at. Maybe its watching the handlers brushing and blowdrying animals that would usually stand in the rain. It's all just amazing to me. I never get tired of it. You get a hitch in your step and a twang in your voice just stepping onto the grounds. I got a special thrill today seeing the Saltgrass Trail Ride coming down Franz Road in Katy. It sends chills up my spine every time I see them. I feel like a little girl again waving to the trail riders who are clearly having a great time waving right back at the spectators. I'm so glad to live in Texas!