New Kitchen Floor

After years of living with our ugly, outdated, beat up linoleum we finally got it changed to porcelain tile. I struggled with my decision of what color to choose. I am always keeping in mind the next buyer of this house and thinking in terms of what might appeal to a broad range of people. I thought our black countertops called for a darker tile. I finally found a beautiful darker porcelain tile at Lowe's that I felt worked well. The thumbs up from a friend with a good eye for color gave me the courage to take the plunge. I'm so glad I did. I used my 10% off Lowe's coupon from the Post Office change of address envelopes and saved a bundle on the cost of the materials!

After living without a kitchen for several days I am even more appreciative of our modern day appliances! I have a great admiration for those people that do larger remodels and live without these modern conveniences for months. How do they do it?

Here are some before and after pictures.


Anonymous said…
great choice well done
Lisae said…
Looks great!
Silvia said…
oooohhhh, well done my friend....and lovely mural painting
when i got rid of the linoleum and later the carpet, I was in the clouds

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