Wall Words and a Fun Little Contest For My Blog Readers
I've rearranged some furniture in my great room recently and it left me with a huge blank wall in my dining room. It has a faux finish that looks like marble. In my opinion, this wall came out the best with the faux finish and I have had it covered up for years with a large hutch. I wanted to find something to highlight the wall but not cover up the faux finish. I did a little digging on the Internet and found Wall Words. I had seen something similar in a magazine and liked the look. I browsed the website and liked how much I could customize it. I also like the fact that it is easily removed. When we put the house on the market (eventually), we can remove the words and keep the beautiful marble finish. We couldn't do the same with paint.
Happy hunting!
I anxiously awaited the arrival of the package from Wall Words. It wasn't easy to put up on my textured wall. The website said you could put it on textured walls if the texture wasn't too bumpy. Well, it did go on, but it took a lot of work. The end result was beautiful. You can't tell it wasn't painted on. As I stood back to admire my hard work, my 13 year old son passed through the room and casually noted that there was a problem with it. It's a "forest for the trees" thing. I was literally inches from it and never saw it. Ugh... I contacted Wall Words to get it corrected. They promptly corrected the problem.
If you can see the error, post a comment to this blog entry. The first person who correctly identifies the error, will win a prize. Don't forget to give me your e-mail and I'll contact you. I won't post the comments to this blog to protect your e-mail address. I will post when I have a winner.

Update: I received all the corrections and installed them on the wall. Here is the corrected quote:

However, no one has seen the other error. Look again. Another prize is up for grabs.