How to Remove Linoleum from Concrete
In order to save a few bucks, we decided to take out all the old linoleum from our bathroom in preparation for our tile guys to come out. I have a new found respect for crews that do demolition work.
Use your knife and pull up a corner of the strip and start pulling. The papery bottom of the linoleum and the glue will be stuck to the slab.
Pour boiling water on what's left. (be careful here and go slow so you don't splash boiling water on yourself) Let it sit for about 10 minutes (turn off any ceiling fans). You can put an old towel over the poured water to keep it warm longer.
While it is still warm, use a Razor Floor Stripper (see picture below)to take everything off down to the concrete. You might have to repeat the boiling water process another time to get all the glue off. After all the paper is off, when you pour on more boiling water, the glue turns a milky white and you scrape it off. 
In researching how to go about doing it, I couldn't find anything good online that actually showed how it is done. We made a few mistakes, so we want to pass on what we learned to save you some time.

A little tip here. We found a dark gray/black substance on top of the slab. We thought it might be glue and got really frustrated because it wouldn't budge. It wasn't glue but a leveling substance they sometimes put on the floor when the original slab was poured a little crooked. DON'T TAKE IT OFF.
Work on only a little part at a time and don't get frustrated. It takes a while. Take breaks so you don't get too exhausted.