Save 10% at Home Depot or Lowe's - take your pick!

I found that Home Depot was running a special with free delivery and set up. I thought that was great, but I wanted more. I knew that there were Home Depot 10% coupons flying around after I spoke with the appliance department. The employee told me they were mailed out to customers that had a credit card. We don't have a Home Depot credit card. We have one major card for emergencies, but that's it. I sent a message out on FaceBook and two friends suggested they had seen them in the "change of address" envelopes at the Post Office. I picked one up today only to find out that it was a "Lowe's" coupon. I was totally bummed. I started praying out loud in the car "Lord, I will be patient. I am waiting on you for this." God immediately gave me some wisdom. Why didn't I try and use the Lowe's coupon at Home Depot? We were spending a large amount of money, so maybe they would be willing to help us out. I spoke with the manager of the Appliance Department. He agreed to it. He said that although Lowe's didn't carry LG appliances, he would still accept the coupon. I was so excited. It saved us $290.89! Enough money for my DH to pick out a new grill. We will use another Lowe's coupon for that purchase! I am floating on air after this HUGE savings!
Just wanted to pass on these two sources of discounts.