Of Rabbits
We live in a subdivision near open fields. We have seen rabbits in the fields many times when we walk on the edge of our neighborhood. Our backyard is fenced in with a wood fence which has recently been showing its age. Some boards are broken at the bottom. Easy access for Mr. Rabbit. The boards face toward our neighbors house so we have to wait until they repair them. In the meantime, I've covered all the holes. My bean plants are trying to come back and put out a few leaves. Time will only tell if they will survive. I suspect they will recover.
I've picked 4 bellpeppers from my plants already and a little zuchinni. I'm looking forward to fresh tomatoes sprinkled with black pepper and Kosher salt at supper time. Our Louisiana satsuma tree is loaded down with baby satsumas. We won't enjoy these until October but it is fun to watch them grow during the summer and look forward to sweet satsumas. My secret garden is growing beautifully. The hydrangeas are especially lush this year.
