Seeking Treasures
Yesterday, I went shopping with my friend Becky. We took a detour to downtown in our little town and went to Second Street Antiques and shopped a bit. Upon leaving, we found a cute antique store across the street called Dovetail Antiques run by Christians. Everything was absolutely gorgeous and the prices were nice. I found lots of treasures at both Antique stores. I will be going back after Christmas and try to get a few more treasures on sale.
I've started collecting different Christmas tea cups. I want a mismatched set to use one day at my annual Christmas Tea. This year, it will be an After Christmas Tea as my youngest wasn't feeling well the day before the party, so it was postponed. Here is my latest acquisition.

I also found this cappuccino piece of artwork that fits perfectly in with my "coffee" wall. Right now it is on the counter top in a stand next to my cappuccino maker. 
I also found two beautiful Christmas postcards from the early 1900's that I had to have. One of them says "Bethy* Christmastide". I've never heard that saying before and I couldn't find anything online about it. If anyone knows about this saying, please let me know. "Bethy" is my childhood nickname, so I had to have it. (*correction, Renae correctly identifed that it says "Bright Be Thy Christmastide". Thanks Renae.)
I also got two new pieces for my Anchor Hocking Wexford glass collection. This wasn't an expensive set when I first started collecting them, but the prices have gone up. I felt blessed to find these two pieces at such a reasonable cost. 
This morning as I was making breakfast, I was thinking about our shopping trip and how I was scouring the store for Christmas Tea Cups. I searched every corner for my treasure. God spoke to my heart that He wanted me to search just as hard for Him because He was the true treasure. As usual, this morning in church someone had a Word of Knowledge that confirmed just that message. Everything that seemed to come forth in church today was about "treasure".
Matthew 13:44 (Whole Chapter) "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field, which, when a man hath found, he hideth; and for the joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
I love that picture in my head. He stumbled upon something valuable. He sacrificed all to have it because it was worth it.
As we exchange gifts, let us remember the greatest gift ever given. Our creator coming to earth to sacrifice himself willingly so that we could be with Him always. His blameless death covering our darkest sins. The most expensive gift ever given is for you.
I Corinthians 6:30 - For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
(And on the card Bethy is actually two words, be thy. Bright be "your" Christmas.) And I hope yours was!