The bane of my husband's existence is getting down the Christmas boxes from the attic. It might be due to the fact that I have more Christmas decoration than should be legally allowed. I have a fear of heights, so I am of no help. I can just catch boxes as he slides them down the attic stairs. My boys are bigger, so now they help catch boxes. Still, he dreads this yearly ritual.
This year after all the boxes were down, I asked him to grab one of the other "non-Christmas" boxes for me to go through and clean out (boy was I pushing it). We have lived in our home for 10 years and stuff has accumulated up there. I don't even remember what really is up there.
He grabbed the nearest box and I dragged it to the kitchen. I opened it up and inside was a treasure trove of pictures and other mementos from my childhood. I couldn't even believe it. I didn't think I had any childhood pictures of myself. I don't remember ever owning these pictures or why in the world I put them in the attic. I am estranged from my parents, so I have no way of getting any childhood pictures of myself. This was truly an early Christmas gift from God to me. Let me share just a few of the pictures I found.
This B&W of me running is when I three years old.

This picture is of me standing in my front yard modeling a newly made apron for my 4-H project. I loved sewing even way back then. Notice the "Earth Shoes".
This cute girl is my oldest friend, "Skydiving Mom". My best guess is that we were both 14 or 15 because it was taken before I moved to the country when I was 16. She is holding my favorite cat of all time "Toogie". She was the sweetest little tortoise shell cat and had many batches of gorgeous kittens before we finally had her fixed. "Skydiving Mom" and I are still close friends. She is even godmother to my two boys. I love you girl even though you haven't hardly changed since those days! A few grey hairs would help me feel better. Help me out here!

These 80's beauties are the 1983-1984 Northside High School Cheerleaders from Crowley, Louisiana. I'm the one with glasses. "Skydiving Mom" is there too! I don't recall all the names right now but suffice it to say we had a lot of fun. I was the head cheerleader and all the other cheerleaders had to my endure my endless string of new cheers and dance routines. They were a patient group! God love you girls wherever you are!

Here are some pictures taken by my mom (a budding photographer). We had no money at the time and this was her attempt at my senior pictures. I had finally gotten contacts during this, my senior year. Still no boys looked my way. I was shocked when I got to my vocational school later that year and was immediately greeted by guys checking me out. It was strange but wonderful. I met my husband Greg the very first day of school.
And I met my husband the summer before I started college. College men must be smarter. ;)
Sorry won't help you out about the gray hairs, you have enough for both of us!!! HA! HA!