Wearing Many Hats Lately

The last few weeks have been a little crazy around here. I haven't had time to blog and I miss you my little blog... sniff, sniff.

I've been doing some work for an attorney friend. He's a packrat and his office consists of piles and piles of paper accumulated through many years and no filing system. Scary. He also allows me to bring my boys who do their schoolwork in the conference room while I work nearby. I know... I am very blessed. I'm so very thankful to have this work. This is my Christmas money and it is going straight to the savings account.

My husband is also attending college in his quest for his civil engineering degree. I feel like a single parent most of the time.

I am hosting a recipe tasting party tomorrow. It should be a blast. I still have several things on my list to do to get ready, but I'm getting there. I learned a long time ago to start setting up for a party about a week in advance. Do a little cooking and freezing about a week before. Putting ice from my ice maker in ziplock bags. Do shopping several days before. I have had my tables for the drawing and nametags set up for some time now. If I leave everything to the last minute, I'm too exhausted to enjoy the party.

Today I'm setting up stations for the kids who come. Cookie decorating station, Lego station, dress-up station... I find it is better to spread the kids around to different rooms each allocated to different activities. It keeps the kids entertained and less likely to fight.

I'll blog later about what a recipe tasting party is and how to set it up, but for now I say "see ya later".


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