Make a "drive-through" for a friend

The menu is:
Roundsteak & Gravy over Basmati Rice
Buttered corn
Salad w/tomatoes, carrots & avocado
Homemade French Bread
Mini-pecan pies
I made the French Bread last week and had two loaves in the freezer. I made the mini-pecan pies yesterday. The recipe makes a huge amount so we shared with our neighbor and we have plenty left. The rest of the menu is easily made the day of.
I am making enough for my family also so my friend and I will share a meal together although we are enjoying it in separate houses! That makes me smile!
Another thing I insist on when making food for others is putting it in disposable containers. Why make the person go to all the trouble of washing your dishes and then having to arrange to return them to you? You can get some great ones at the Dollar Store, so I stock up.
I'm telling you all of this to encourage you to do the same. Pick someone you know that needs a meal this week. Maybe it is someone that just had a baby, is ill, is elderly or works. Just double your regular recipe and share. You will bring a smile to someone this week!
I thought I would share the recipe of the mini-pecan pies. This is a great recipe for weddings, appetizers, or a tea party with your gal pals. The mini size is fun for kids and would be adorable at a kids tea party. The recipe was given to me 11 years ago by a sweet friend who watched my baby boys while I worked. She was such a blessing to me and I love her dearly. Sometimes she would have a treat for me to take home to my family. This was one of those yummy goodies she made. Beck, I love you!
Preheat oven 350
1 - 8 oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese
2 sticks of butter (1 c.)
3 c. flour
Make into small balls. I use slightly less than a small melon baller can hold. I also use the mini-muffin tins. You can use paper liners or grease and flour. I recommend liners. Put the ball into the paper lined tin. Shape into a crust. Do not bake until the filling is put in.
1 c. chopped pecan
1/2 stick butter (1/4 c.)
2 1/3 c. brown sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
dash of salt
Mix filling ingredients together. Put 1 to 1 1/2 tsp. in each crust. It made 58 pies for me. Bake for 22 minutes at 350. Let them cool thoroughly before removing paper liner. Enjoy!
And those mini-pecan pies - oh so good!