They're not aggravating - they're missionaries in training...
Our Tapestry of Grace curriculum affords us the opportunity to be exposed to so many amazing books. One of those we are reading right now is the story of William Carey, one of the first pioneers of missionary work and a missionary to India. I love reading how God prepared him for this work since he was a little boy. He gave him certain talents for the purpose of furthering the gospel including a talent for learning languages.

I look at my boys and see their talents and their quirks and I can't help but wonder how they will be used for God. My youngest son talks non-stop and he has a VERY LOUD VOICE. We always joke with him that he will be an evangelist in a remote village in Africa where there is no sound system. My youngest son's bent for talking can be aggravating when I need some quiet time to myself. This book has really reminded me to be patient with my kid's "talents". I only have them for a very short time. I will look back very soon and have an "ah ha" moment when I see their talents fall into place in their lives.
And we are blessed to know missionaries on the field now. In fact, my best friend is a missionary to China. I can't wait to see her and her family in a few months while they are in the states!