Hurricane Party Anyone?

I prepare for company tomorrow. Friends and family travel from Louisiana to Texas trying to outrun Hurricane Gustav. We will have my sister-in-law, husband, two kids. They will stay in a hotel in town at night. We have the MIL and her dog staying at our house. My friend is also coming with her husband and three kids. We are awaiting word from more family members. We have heard that the travel time is horrendous. Four times the normal travel time. Please pray as so many families will be on the road in the next few days. They are distracted, upset and some are panicked. We welcome our guests with open arms. We pray they find our home a sanctuary and a place of peace. We will try to be upbeat and keep a fun atmosphere in our home. We will also try and keep the TV off most of the time. Pray for our family that we will have wisdom in how to deal with our guests and give them comfort.